Susanne is an international executive coach who supports mission-driven leaders and their teams in making a deep and sustainable impact. She specializes in purpose and vision, innovation competence and leadership challenges.
Born near Basel, Switzerland, in 1975, Susanne studied economics and international relations at Switzerland’s top business school, HSG, St.Gallen. Work experience followed in multiple industries (cement, finance, export, hotel sector) and in diverse roles such as personal assistant to the CEO, strategic HR, sustainability & strategy consultant, and interim management.
In 2006 Susanne left her position at the strategy consultancy to immerse herself in yoga and meditation in India. Upon her return to Zurich she started her own yoga and meditation school, which she sold successfully some years later.
Susanne speaks at universities and conferences throughout Europe about Purpose, Leadership as well as Innovation Competence. She is a regular trainer at ZFU International Business School and a lecturer at CASS City University London. Currently she is writing a book based on interviews with CEOs of innovative companies in America and Europe: The Inner Landscape of the Innovator.
Susanne supports several nonprofit organizations striving for systemic change, the implementation of peace work, integral education and development.
In her work, Susanne employs the following methods:
– Solution-Focused Coaching (Steve de Shazer, Kim Insoo Berg)
– Solution-Focused Team-Coaching (Daniel Meier)
– Intuitive Coaching and Transparent Communication (Thomas Hübl)
– Integral Theory (Ken Wilber)
– Spiral Dynamics (Don Beck, Clare W. Graves)
– Theory U (Otto Scharmer)
– Introvision (Ulrich Dehner)
– Harvard Negotiation Concept (Roger Fisher, William L. Ury)
– Non-Violent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg)
– Vision Walks (Trebbe Johnson, Eugene Hughs)
– Mental Training (José Silva, Leela Mata, and others)
– Meditation and Mindfulness (Jon Kabat Zinn, S. N. Goenka, Sw. Sivananda, Sw. Muktananda, and many more)
– Yoga and Bodywork (Sw. Vishnu-Devananda, Sukadev Bretz, Sw. Atma, Mansoor, and many more)
Personal & Organisational Transformation
Urs Karl Egger is executive coach and senior consultant for personal and organisational transformation with more than 20 years of experience as project manager, international consultant, and CEO in the private, public and non-profit sector.
In 2019 he has founded his own company EntekaLLC with the mission to guide leaders and organisationsin their transformation for creating positive impact for a sustainable and thriving world.
Throughout his career he gained a profound understanding of change processes in various organizational and cultural settings. In all of his work, Urs is convinced that people basically have the resources and are able to find solutions if they get appropriate guidance.
His working philosophy is based on his research and practical insights in participatory public-private multistakeholderprocesses, his experience as project manager atthe Office for Urban Development of the City of Zurich, and as international senior consultant working in more than 15 countries all over the world where he advisedinternational development agencies, NGOs, and municipalities in transformation processes.
In his latest position as CEO of a Swiss Foundation with 130 staff working in 12 countries all over the world Urs successfully has led several cycles of strategy development, implemented a quality management systems and introduced a participatory leadership learning programme.
Urs works in German and English.
Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Social Entrepreneur
Kirsten Timmer leads international workshops and provides transformational leadership training for business executives. For many years she has workedwith executives and groups as a trainer. An essential part of her work is empowering people and organizations to connect with their more profound potential and intentions. She specializes in recognizing and overcoming deeply rooted, self-sabotaging mechanisms leaders may have.
Kirsten regularly supervises other coaches, and she is a visiting lecturer at two universities of applied sciences. Kirsten is also founder of two organizations: The Arco School, a center for conscious education and cultural development for both children and adults; and TransParents, an online training platform for conscious parenthood.
“If we take time to listen more deeply,” she says, “it is possible for all of us to get access to more information, inspiration, and insights. This aligns us with a higher intelligence, which is always available. We only need to be open and allow ourselves to be guided.”
Content orientation:
– Integral leadership
– Purpose and vision
– Emotional stress and trauma.
Kirsten coaches in German and English.
Integral Organisation & Training
Thomas Strauss is the managing partner of Economic Research and Consulting Institute imu augsburg and a freelance lecturer at the University of Augsburg
Thomas’s work on the development of competencies in organizations is based upon his own “Organizational Development” and “Innovation Coaching” tools in line with the Augsburger School as well as Integral Management approaches. He has also offered trainings on these themes for years, for example at the center for education and knowledge (ZWW) at the university of Augsburg.
Content orientation:
– Innovation coaching & strategy
– Organisational development
– Leadership training
– Team development
Thomas coaches in German and English.
Facilitator & Strategic Advisor
Sibylle Stamm is a facilitator and strategic advisor. She is the founder of THE LOOP, a strategy and visioning firm that designs agile learning spaces for corporate executives, government officials, activists, and educators. She works with high-potential teams and leaders across technology, business, politics, public administration and the arts to clarify their vision for the future and build meaningful, purpose-driven organizational cultures. Her clients have included the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United Nations, Swiss Universities, technology firms, start-ups and a variety of non-profit organizations.
Trained in the field of conflict resolution, Sibylle has worked in conflict zones and supported peace processes in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia for over fifteen years. Today, she is a teacher and a speaker on the design of transformative strategies in highly volatile and ambiguous contexts.
Sybille coaches in English, German, French and Arabic.
Susanne and her team have worked with executives from the following companies and many others who prefer to stay anonymous.
Susanne also supports pro bono various nonprofit organizations striving for systemic change, the implementation of peace work, and integral education systems.
„A very successful event! Susanne has given an excellent speech! We have received amazing and very relevant inputs.
It was thrilling.”
Manuela Beer, CEO PKZ Group, Switzerland
Speech: Leading with Purpose
“Better than any strategy workshop I ever did with my company. Inspiration on TOP-LEVEL. Expecations and benefits were by far exceeded.”
Markus Meister, Geschäftsführer Inova, Switzerland
Leadership for Innovation Training
“The coaching opened up unexpected possibilities, beyond the original goal and led to deep self-reflection and personal development. Susanne Baumann’s uncanny ability to decipher the essence of a person and his or her talents, and then to articulate it with crystal clarity has inspired me to new discovery.”
M.F., President & Board Member, Switzerland
Executive Coaching
“Her training approach combines sound concepts with proven methods, impressively focusing on both the needs of participants as individuals and as a group. Many thanks, that was an exceptional experience from which I have drawn a lot.”
Dr. Michael Trestl, Head of Corporate Development, Edelweiss Air, Switzerland
Integral Leadership Training
“Through the coaching I am quicker in grasping complex situations and getting great clarity what is needed.
Thus I appear much more focused and radiate more clarity and confidence. Also my ability to lead tough conversations has improved a lot.”
C.H., CEO, Consulting Company, London – Singapore
Executive Coaching
“Susanne has disarming qualities that make me laugh at my own errors and patterns of belief. I appreciate her deep listening and strong presence!”
Flavia Ludin, director, Zurich Insurance, Switzerland
Executive Coaching
““What made this executive coaching so special for me was the way Susanne identified with my potential and mirrored it back to me. Through her I better understand how the unfolding of potential takes form.
For the team coaching, I was glad that Ms. Baumann showed a fine sensitivity and relaxed openness towards the employees, and she could adjust flexibly to the individual needs at hand. She delivered exactly what the team needed and was not to be distracted.”
M.W., Business Director, Germany
Executive & Team Coaching
“Susanne’s authentic and engaging interaction with the students created direct impact and enthusiasm. The students expressed their wish to learn more about management coaching and the practice of listening to inspiration in companies after Susanne’s intervention!”
Prof. Dr. Stefan Haefliger, CASS Citiy University, London
Input Speech & Workshop
“Susanne literally opened my eyes to new and innovative approaches towards solving real challenges.
The interface between rational-analytical on the one side, and intuitive thinking on the other is intriguing!”
Samuel Steiner, Managing Partner, Renuo AG, Switzerland
Executive Coaching
“In a relativly short time we have layed out my professional and personal situation. The analyses of Susanne on my resistancies and self-limiting factors was excellent. I gained great clarity on my next steps.”
Marc Jaberg, Head of Business Development, Franke Coffee Systems, Switzerland
Executive Coaching
“I’m now calm and composed, whereas a couple of weeks ago I was still very stressed. My dogged stubbornness for one career path has dissolved and a quiescence has returned to me. At the same time I feel more awake and open in my dealings with people. Quite a bit has changed through the coaching. It became obvious to me that I needed a transformation in my professional environment, and the main thrust has become clear.”
S.R., Director, Schindler Lifts Ltd
Executive Coaching
“The seminar has been extremely inspiring. It has given me free headspace and room for playing through new options. It has been an environment for extraordinary self-reflection and self-awareness. This seminar was highly enriching.”
Dr. Ulrich Stofner, Director, BLS.Business Location Südtirol, Alto Adige, Italy
Leadership for Innovation Training
“Your message is important for companies in these challenging times. The participants really appreciated your speech. I am looking forward to the next opportunity to work together.”
Claudia Buzzelli, Leiterin Academy Führung & Kommunikation, ZfU International Business School, Thalwil, Switzerland
Workshop Integral Leadership
“Thank you again for supporting my team. The day with you was very helpful, sensitive, and spot on!”
A.M., CEO of a health-care company, Zurich, Switzerland
“Through Susanne’s coaching and the practical supplemental exercises, I’ve been able to observe astounding changes on various levels, both within myself and in my interactions with others.”
N.B., Division Head, Bern, Switzerland
Executive Coaching
Susanne B. Baumann
Executive Coaching
Zurich Area, Switzerland
+41 76 580 80 55