Copyright: “Ladies Drive Bargespräche/Markus Mallaue www.bargesprä

Keynote - Panel - Workshop

Susanne gives keynotes and workshops about purpose, vision, innovation competence, and executive qualities needed in the digital age and beyond. She inspires her audience with wit, humor and a lot of real life examples, speaking at companies, business schools, universities, and conferences worldwide. Her talks have reached a wide range of people, from management to visionaries to business students. 

Susanne has recently performed a series of interviews with innovative mission-driven CEOs in the US and Europe and is writing a book about her findings. Where do these leaders get their inspiration, and how do they bring their ideas to market in record time? What are the key success factors enabling them to be visionaries and successful entrepreneurs at the same time?

Recent keynotes:

  • Leadership for Innovation – Leading from the Future
  • Integral Leadership – How to solve Challenges efficiently and effectively
  • Integral Self-Management – Lead yourself better to boost your Team

Past Events

Leadership for Innovation

Weiterbildungsforum Schaffhausen , Switzerland 
Input Speech “Leadership for Innovation”
17.05.2019 at 7.30 – 9am Schaffhausen, Switzerland

Meet me for an input speech on innovation competence and get to know other entrepreneurs! Claudine Münger will host the event at the Tanne Schaffhausen an amazing start-up restaurant involving lots of people with handicap.



ZFU International Business School, Zurich, Switzerland 

Querdenkerforum für Grenzgänger, Brückenbauer und Mutmacher
Ist nicht jeder erfolgreiche Unternehmer auch Querdenker, Grenzgänger und Brückenbauer? Stellt er sich nicht laufend die Fragen: „Geht es auch anders? Gibt es einen anderen Weg?“
Woher kommen neue Ideen und Inspirationen, die schöpferische Fähigkeit, Neues zu schaffen? Kreativität wird neben technologischer Innovation zur Hauptantriebskraft gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung.
Wir sind überzeugt, dass Sie zum Start des neuen Jahres viele interessante Inspirationen und innovative Denkanstösse für Ihre tägliche Arbeit mitnehmen.

Link: ZFU, International Business School

CEO Collaboration Day

Leadersbridge Zurich, Switzerland

Every great leader understands that remarkable accomplishments require collaboration with other great leaders. The CEO Collaboration Day is an Executive Roundtable event where 45 selected entrepreneurs and corporate executives exchange with their peers and gain key insights & connections for breaking through to the next level.
Susanne is moderating a roundtable at the CEO-Collaboration Day.

Have a look at CEO Collaboration Day

Leading with Purpose - Intensiv Workshop

ZFU International Business School, Switzerland 
3-Day Intensive Workshop
08.04.2019 – 11.04.2019 Thalwil, Switzerland

Der Purpose ist eine Aufgabe, die für mich tief bedeutungsvoll ist und mich motiviert mich mit Leidenschaft für eine Sache einzusetzen. Der Purpose gibt mir und meinem Unternehmen einen Sinnhaftigkeit und eine langfristige Perspektive zurück. Er motiviert und inspiriert Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Investoren zu gleich. Der Purpose mach ein Unternehmen einzigartig, authentisch und glaubwürdig. Er öffnet das Denken und regt neue Innovationen an, um das Unmögliche, möglich zu machen.

In diesem Seminar gehen wir den Fragen nach:

  • Welche Unternehmen führen mit Purpose? Wie ticken sie?
  • Was ist ein Purpose?
  • Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile eines Purpose?
  • Wie kann ich und mein Unternehmen einen Purpose entwickeln?
  • Welche Führungsqualitäten braucht es, um ein Unternehmen mit Purpose zu führen?

Anhand von konkreten Beispielen von purpose-geführten Unternehmen erhalten Sie einen Einblick, wie ein Purpose entsteht, eingeführt und umgesetzt wird.

CEO Collaboration Day

Leadersbridge Zurich, Switzerland

Every great leader understands that remarkable accomplishments require collaboration with other great leaders. The CEO Collaboration Day is an Executive Roundtable event where 45 selected entrepreneurs and corporate executives exchange with their peers and gain key insights & connections for breaking through to the next level.
Susanne is moderating a roundtable at the CEO-Collaboration Day.

Have a look at CEO Collaboration Day

Leading with Purpose - Impuls-Referat

PKZ Group Zürich, Switzerland

Inspirierende und innovative Unternehmer führen mit Purpose und einer authentischen Passion, weil sie intuitiv wissen, dass sie das Richtige tun. Der Purpose gibt Orientierung und Stabilität in sich schnell verändernden Märkten. Aber auch die Innovationskraft und die Motivation des gesamten Teams werden dadurch gestärkt und gefördert. Und genau das ist das Thema unserer Veranstaltung.
Verbringen Sie mit uns einen spannenden Abend, geniessen Sie einen Apéro riche und erfahren Sie vom Profi, wie Sie mit Purpose führen können.

Link: Invitation PKZ

Leadership for Innovation Impuls-Vortrag

Zürcher Business Club

Wie schaffen es Unternehmer, bahnbrechende Innovationen zu entwickeln? Welche Eigenschaften besitzen diese Führungskräfte und ihre Teams, welche disruptive Produkte erfolgreich und überraschend schnell auf den Markt bringen? Innovationsmethoden und –rahmenbedingungen alleine scheinen noch nicht zum gewünschten Durchbruch zu führen.

Dieser Impulsvortrag von Susanne B. Baumann gibt Antworten auf folgende Fragen:
– Was sind die grundlegenden Prinzipien von Innovationskompetenz? 
– Welche Qualitäten sind innovativen Unternehmern gemeinsam? 
– Was bedeutet aus der Zukunft zu führen? 
– Was braucht es damit wir nicht nur Out of the Box denken, sondern auch handeln können?

Link: Zürcher Business Club

Leadership for Innovation

ZFU International Business School, Switzerland 
3-Day Intensive Workshop
26.09.2018 – 28.09.2018 Thalwil, Switzerland

Innovative leaders possess strong visionary skills and the necessary willingness to take risks. They are accustomed to uncertainty and not knowing, which allows them to stay true to their vision even in challenging situations. They think and act outside of the box and make complex decisions with an intuitive uncertainty that lets them make the impossible possible.
This extraordinary workshop will recognise and train personal, inner innovatory competences. The participants will learn what it means to ‘lead from the future’ instead of reacting from the conditioned past. Leadership for Innovation is suitable for businesses, leaders and their teams.

Link: ZFU International Business School

Leadership for Innovation

ZFU International Business School, Switzerland 
3-Day Intensive Workshop
09.04.2018 – 11.04.2018 Thalwil, Switzerland

Innovative leaders possess strong visionary skills and the necessary willingness to take risks. They are accustomed to uncertainty and not knowing, which allows them to stay true to their vision even in challenging situations. They think and act outside of the box and make complex decisions with an intuitive uncertainty that lets them make the impossible possible.
This extraordinary workshop will recognise and train personal, inner innovatory competences. The participants will learn what it means to ‘lead from the future’ instead of reacting from the conditioned past. Leadership for Innovation is suitable for businesses, leaders and their teams.

Link: ZFU International Business School

Integral Leadership - Leadership of the Future

Trendforum for Women in Leadership 2018
Input Speech & Workshop

In a complex world with rapid changes and disruptive challenges, classroom management methods fall short. Radically new leadership skills are needed to master the complexity. Many changes and restructurings in companies are imitated from the same way of thinking, which has already created the status quo. Such restructuring is only a small step forward. To really bring a company to the next stage of development, it needs a change in thinking, consciousness and inner attitude.

Susanne Baumann introduces two models of integral management, which offer new perspectives on the management understanding of the future. Based on examples from practice, it shows how differ-ent perspectives can be recognized and managed. Integral leadership personalities lead from the future rather than from the conditioned thinking of the past, they follow an inspiring vision and listen to their inner voice.

Link: ZFU Trendforum for women in leadership

Wie schnell denn noch?
Die Wiederentdeckung der Langsamkeit

Ladies Drive Bargespräch
Swiss Ladies Drive St. Gallen

Die Zeit vergeht im Fluge, doch tat sie das schon immer?
Wir nehmen Zeit unterschiedlich wahr, was hilft uns dabei den Zeitdruck zu lindern? Ein ungezwungenes Podiumsgespräch der Ladies Drive Gründerin Sandra-Stella Triebl mit ihren Gästen Susanne Baumann, Prof. Dr. Maya Müller, Dr. Norman Sieroka, Prof. Dr. Alexander Demandt.

Link: Ladies Drive – Bargespräche

The Inner Landscape of the Innovator

manager lounge Zürich
01.02.2018 , 18:30 – 21:30 Uhr, Steigenberger Hotel Bellerive au Lac

Innovations-Kompetenz, die Antwort auf disruptive Märkte

Disruptive Innovationen führen zu massiven Veränderungen von Produkten, Prozessen und Business Modellen in allen Branchen. Die Art, wie wir denken, handeln und führen, passt nicht mehr zu den Herausforderungen von heute und morgen.

Über welche Eigenschaften verfügen Führungskräfte und ihre Teams, die bahnbrechende Neuerungen erfolgreich und überraschend schnell auf den Markt bringen? Innovationstechniken und -rahmenbedingungen alleine scheinen noch nicht zum Durchbruch zu führen. Innovative Führungskräfte verfügen über eine hohe Visionsfähigkeit und die nötige Risikobereitschaft. Sie pflegen einen Umgang mit Nicht-Wissen und Unsicherheit, der es ihnen erlaubt, auch in herausfordernden Situationen der Vision treu zu bleiben. Sie denken und handeln „Out of the Box“ und besitzen eine intuitive Gewissheit bei komplexen Entscheidungen, um das Unmögliche möglich zu machen.

Fragen, die im Anhang des Vortrags thematisiert werden:

Was sind die Grundlegenden Prinzipien von Innovationskompetenz? Welche Qualitäten sind innovativen Unternehmern gemeinsam? Was bedeutet aus der Zukunft zu führen? Was braucht es damit wir nicht nur Out of the Box denken, sondern auch handeln können?

Link: manager lounge Zürich

Keynote Innovations-Kompetenz, die Antwort auf disruptive Märkte

Zürich Versicherung – Bildungswoche 2018

Disruptive Innovationen führen zu massiven Veränderungen von Produkten, Prozessen und Business Modellen in allen Branchen. Die Art, wie wir denken, handeln und führen, passt nicht mehr zu den Herausforderungen von heute und morgen. Was sind die Grundlegenden Prinzipien von Innovationskompetenz? Welche Qualitäten sind innovativen Unternehmern gemeinsam? Was bedeutet aus der Zukunft zu führen? Was braucht es damit wir nicht nur Out of the Box denken, sondern auch handeln können?.

CEO Collaboration Day

Leadersbridge Zurich, Switzerland

Every great leader understands that remarkable accomplishments require collaboration with other great leaders. The CEO Collaboration Day is an Executive Roundtable event where 45 selected entrepreneurs and corporate executives exchange with their peers and gain key insights & connections for breaking through to the next level.
Susanne is moderating a roundtable at the CEO-Collaboration Day.

Have a look at CEO Collaboration Day

Leadership for Innovation

ZFU International Business School, Switzerland 
3-Day Intensive Workshop
06.11.2017 – 08.11.2017, Thalwil, Switzerland

Innovative leaders possess strong visionary skills and the necessary willingness to take risks. They are accustomed to uncertainty and not knowing, which allows them to stay true to their vision even in challenging situations. They think and act outside of the box and make complex decisions with an intuitive uncertainty that lets them make the impossible possible.
This extraordinary workshop will recognise and train personal, inner innovatory competences. The participants will learn what it means to ‘lead from the future’ instead of reacting from the conditioned past. Leadership for Innovation is suitable for businesses, leaders and their teams.

Link: ZFU International Business School

Leadership for Innovation

ZFU International Business School, Switzerland 
3-Day Intensive Workshop
08.05.2017-10.05.2017 Risch-Zug, Switzerland

Innovative leaders possess strong visionary skills and the necessary willingness to take risks. They are accustomed to uncertainty and not knowing, which allows them to stay true to their vision even in challenging situations. They think and act outside of the box and make complex decisions with an intuitive uncertainty that lets them make the impossible possible.
This extraordinary workshop will recognise and train personal, inner innovatory competences. The participants will learn what it means to ‘lead from the future’ instead of reacting from the conditioned past. Leadership for Innovation is suitable for businesses, leaders and their teams.

Link: ZFU International Business School

Innovation Competence

CASS Business School, London, England
MBA Lecture & Workshop
9th of March 2017

Innovative entrepreneurs around the globe show a competence that goes far beyond applying an innovation method. Why can some people manifest their vision in seemingly no time at all, and others end up broken and cynical because they have floundered? Why is it that some people come up with great ideas, and others are held captive in their conditioned minds?

Susanne has interviewed outstanding entrepreneurs and innovators around the planet, individuals who have succeeded in manifesting business breakthroughs that nobody thought possible. She has discovered 10 qualities that almost all innovators share. And most crucially — are the underlying principles that enable disruptive innovations to emerge and become commercial successes.

Link: CASS Business School London


The HR of Tomorrow - Inspiration from the Future

IHRC Annual Leadership Conference
Crown Plaza, Zürich, Switzerland
June 21, 2016
Workshop with Susanne B. Baumann, Executive Coaching, Zurich and Megan Preston, Dancer and Multipreneur, London

How can we create the HR of tomorrow? How can we foresee, reflect and structure the challenges of the future? And how can we lead from that future instead of being driven from the past and current constraints? Lets dip into the potential role that HR could play! Get an experience of the future organizations through movement! Harness the intellectual theory through a process of physical embodiment.
Link: IHRC Annual Leadership Conference

The inner landscape of entrepreneurs who bolted out of the box!

League of Leading Ladies, Interlaken, Switzerland
Victoria Jungfrau Grand Hotel
March 31st and April 1st, 2016
Interactive Workshop

Why do some people receive great ideas and others are held captive in their conditioned mental-boxes? Why can some visionaries manifest their vision in no time and others end up broken and cynical because their vision has floundered? Susanne has interviewed over 40 outstanding entrepreneurs around the globe who have succeeded in manifesting great visions. Get a glimpse of the inner landscape of these inspiring people. Start leading from the future instead of the conditioned past! Become aligned with your biggest vision, no matter how awe-inspiring it appears or how impossible it may seem to be! The challenges of today call for mind-blowing projects! You will attract the money and support needed, once you stand fully in the light of your vision — because it radiates! Your signal to the world will illuminate the way out of the ‘impossibility-box’ of our mind!

Link: League of Leading Ladies Conference

How does Inspiration work?

CASS Business School, London, England
MBA Lecture & Workshop
10th of March 2016

Highly innovative entrepreneurs live in an energy field of inspiration. They think and act from an inspired place inside of themselves. But how do they acquire their inspiration? What inner conditions allow them to create the space for inspiration, while others just seem to get lost in the pressures of daily business!

Learn more about horizontal and vertical inspiration. Learn how to listen to other fields of expertise — like music or improvisation theater — to gain inspiration for your business.

Link: CASS Business School London